
6 Tips to Get and Stay Motivated to Study

Learn how to get and stay motivated to study and reach your goal of earning a degree with these tips from BuytestBank Test Prep.

January 2024

You’ve made the decision to work toward your degree and career goals! At first it’s so exciting that you can’t wait to jump in, but over time you may start to realize that it is getting harder and harder to sit down and do the work. The most important thing you should know is… you’re not alone! 

We all struggle with motivation from time to time, but here are 6 tips to get and stay motivated to study as you work toward your degree. 

1. Acknowledge the work you have to do

This can be one of the hardest steps you take, but you need to acknowledge that there is work to be done. Don’t avoid it. By acknowledging that you have work to do, you are immediately taking a big step toward changing your mindset and preparing to accomplish the task in front of you.

2. Make a plan

Set aside three hours each week to attend your live, online class with BuytestBank. These three hours should be free from distractions so you are able to focus on the material that is being presented. Next, carve out time each day to review the material you learned this week. Even if you only have 20 minutes before your shift, on your lunch break, before bed… that will give you an opportunity to review your notes or do a little additional reading on the subject.

Reviewing material a little each day over time is better for long-term retention than trying to cram before an exam. 

3. Write down WHY you want to earn your degree

You have a goal and that’s great, but it’s important to know WHY you want to achieve it. Write down the reasons you want to earn your degree. Is it more money, a better schedule, more respect in the workplace…Write down your goal and ALL of the reasons this goal is important to you. Keep them somewhere you can look at them when you need encouragement. 

Writing down your goals helps you visualize them and makes you 42% more likely to achieve them. 

4. Create a space just for you

Creating a study space where you feel comfortable, relaxed and able to focus is important. Whether it's a specific room or a spot at the kitchen table, make sure you have a dedicated place you can learn. 

5. Remember to take breaks

Your car can’t run without fuel, and neither can you. Take time to eat, rest, and recharge. You may need to go for a walk, listen to music, watch TV, or hang out with friends and family. If you don’t have enough time to take breaks or sleep, go back to our second tip and schedule these into your plan. Taking breaks and getting enough sleep really are that important!

Skipping sleep can decrease your ability to learn new things by as much as 40%. 

6. Connect with your Education Advisor

If you’re struggling to get and stay motivated, contact your Education Advisor at BuytestBank. They are here to support you, and ensure that you’re able to succeed in your program. Talk to them about your plan, about your reasons for doing this, about any struggles you're having, and about anything you need as you work towards your goal. 

Use the ideas in this post to develop your own plan of action when it comes to getting and staying motivated to study and achieve your goals. We know you can do this, and we’ll be here to cheer you on at every step in your program!

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